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TOFE 2024 event attendance

    Insights from the 26th Technology of Fusion Energy Meeting (TOFE 2024)

    Last month, we were delighted to attend the 26th Technology of Fusion Energy Meeting (TOFE 2024). This fantastic event brought together scientists, engineers, and fusion industry leaders from around the world to discuss the latest developments in fusion energy research and technology. 

    The Public-Private Pivot to Fusion Energy

    Recent advances in fusion physics and enabling technologies have made the development of fusion energy more urgent, and real, than ever. TOFE 2024 explored how scientific research and technology are driving this pivot towards commercial fusion energy.

    It was very exciting to discuss how Woodruff Engineering is able to support this progression, such as by supplying Helmholtz coils for testing components in high magnetic fields and providing power solutions for fusion coils and components. It is also a very interesting area where our specialist equipment can help solve practical challenges, such as using cooling systems for Tritium pumps and 3-axis Magnets for D-T capsule control.

    Top topics

    The range of talks, discussions and presentations focused on significant topics within the sector, including:

    • Fusion Pilot Plant Studies: Researchers discussed progress in designing and planning fusion pilot plants.
    • System and Component Design: Engineers shared insights into designing fusion systems and components.
    • Enabling Technologies: Discussions centered around emerging technologies that facilitate fusion energy development.
    • Industry Facility Needs: Industry leaders highlighted the infrastructure required for successful fusion deployment.

    It was an excellent opportunity to further explore how Woodruff Engineering can take an active role in the sector through custom magnet provisions and power solutions as well as our continued work on components for fusion machines. 

    Top Takeaways

    There was a new buzz of excitement at the event as programs focused on not just aspirational goals but on practical solutions.

    • Collaboration across borders will be crucial for advancing fusion research and achieving practical fusion energy solutions
    • The scope of opportunities and applications is rapidly increasing with private fusion companies, such as SHINE, producing 14.1 MeV fusion neutrons to generate medicine, along with further innovations in the medical sphere and other industries.
    • Woodruff Engineering is well positioned to support private fusion companies with our custom magnet and power solutions.

    We are very excited to be a key player in the growth of the fusion sector, opening the possibilities for progression and development.