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We understand the wide variety of requirements and concerns faced by academic institutions. That is why we work hard to supply the very best, cutting-edge solutions along with efficient, streamlined processes to ensure you get the very best value for money.

By working with Woodruff Engineering you can trust you are receiving:

Expert, innovative knowledge – we will go to any length to ensure technical specifications are met.

Bespoke service to help you clarify specifications.

Dedicated service throughout the entire process from specifications to initial simulations and CAD models of the design,
to producing prototypes and final production.

Stringent to quality control and management; we are ISO 9001:2015 certified.

Value for money and a commitment to work to budget and timeframe


We deliver exceptional magnets, created with meticulous craftsmanship, that ensures these magnets perform under the most rigorous demands, facilitating breakthroughs from the macroscopic wonders of astrophysics to the quantum oddities of subatomic particles. With a huge range of applications in physics research, for example, creating controlled environments in experiments like Bose-Einstein condensate creation, or working in high-energy physics for bending and focusing beams in particle accelerators. 

Chemists across academia depend on the unparalleled quality of Woodruff Engineering’s magnets for analyzing crystallography, and in organic chemistry, our magnets assist in controlling reaction pathways via magnetic catalysis.

In biological research, our high-precision magnets play a key role beyond MRI technology. Our magnetic solutions enable breakthroughs in cellular biology, microbiology, and biophysics, by controlling the orientation and position of samples under the microscope with extraordinary precision. The commitment to quality in each magnet we build ensures that researchers can push the boundaries of what’s possible in visualizing and understanding the complexities of life.

Power Supplies

Designed for demanding applications, our power supplies ensure reliability and stability, empowering physicists to conduct groundbreaking research. Our leading-edge high-current and high-voltage power supplies are fundamental to experiments requiring immense energy and precision. These power supplies energize large-scale particle accelerators, enabling the study of high-energy physics whilst also being critical for powering the high-field magnets used in magnetic confinement fusion research.

Woodruff Engineering’s robust power supplies are essential in electrochemistry for driving reactions, studying redox processes, and synthesizing novel compounds. High-voltage power sources enable precision in techniques like mass spectrometry and our high-current options are also pivotal in powering electromagnets for magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy tools in analytical and synthetic chemistry labs.

Biological research also benefits greatly from the advanced high-voltage and high-current power supplies we provide. These power systems are integral to electrophysiology for stimulating and recording neural activity, and understanding nervous system disorders. High-throughput screening and other automated lab processes rely on our dependable power supplies for round-the-clock operation. Furthermore, powering the precise two-axis and three-axis coils for magnetic microscopy requires our refined, stable power supply units for continuous high-resolution imaging.

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